
Candida species

؛denture stomatitis
؛phenotypic methods
؛CHROM agar Candida medium


Aims: The purpose of this study was Isolation and phenotypic identification of different candida species isolated from denture stomatitis patients. Materials and Methods : Over all 62 isolates of Candida species yielded from 43 patients attending prosthodontic department\College of Dentistry\Mosul university\Dental teaching Hospital. Clinically, the samples processed by traditional methods including culture characteristics, gram staining reaction , germ tube, chlamydospore formation, culture on CHROM agar Candida  , Sabouraud Dextrose agar, urea's test and Carbohydrates fermentation  test. Results: All isolates were accurately diagnosed to the species level by various traditional methods , among the total of 62 Candida species , the predominant type was the Candida albicans which accounted for (46.8%) followed by Candida glabrata (33.9%), Candida tropicalis (17.7%), finally the species Candida krusei accounted for (1.6%). Conclusions: Candida albicans is highly spreading among patients wearing dentures particularly those suffering from denture stomatitis in which  CHROM agar Candida medium is best method for rapid identification  and documentation of different Candida species . 