
candida albicans
flexible thermoplastic resin
polisher paste


Aims: This study aims to measure the effect of three different types of polishing materials (pumice,pumice with soap solution and universal polisher paste) on the surface roughness and the growth ofCandida Alicans (C.A) on two types of denture base materials (heat cured acrylic and flexiblethermoplastic resin). Materials and Methods: Ninety (90) samples with dimensions (3cm length, 3cmwidth & 1cm thickness) were prepared & divided into two main groups (45 samples in each) accordingto the type of base material, heat cured & flexible. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups (15samples in each) according to the type of polishing materials used in this study: Group1: Polished withpumice (control group), Group 2: Polished with (pumice with soap solution), Group 3: Polished withuniversal polisher paste. Roughness was measured to all samples by Profilometer Tester. After that thesamples were incubated in media containing C.A. for 72 hr. at 300 C to count and compare the valueof C.A. growth & adhesion.Results: the statistical analysis of roughness test between the heat cured &flexible showed a highly significant differences between samples polished with pumice, t-test=10.594,p<0.01, and significant differences for both groups polished by (pumice + soap solution) & (polishingpaste), t-test= 4.651 & 3.173 with p<0.05 respectively. And for both types (Heat cured & Flexible),samples polished with pumice have the lowest number of viable cells count of C.A. (54, 67respectively) Conclusions: The heat cured acrylic resin samples had a smoother surface than flexiblesamples. (Pumice) produced smoother surface than (universal polishing paste) and (pumice +soapsolution), therefore, C.A. adhesion were higher than samples polished with pumice.