Objective: To evaluate and compare the precision of two electronic apex locators (C-Root I Apex locator III, Guangdong, China & AFA Apex Finder 7005, Orange, USA) of dual and multi-frequency dependent impedance in dry and wet condition. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five straight single-rooted teeth with mature apices were used. A flat coronal reference point prepared followed by access preparation and canal widening with Gates Glidden drill. A size 15 K-file introduced inside the canal so that the actual canal length to the major foramen was determined visually under illuminated magnified lens (x5). Teeth were embedded in alginate mold then electronic measurements with two locators of different impedance frequency were made to the apex reading in dry canal condition and with presence of physiologic saline solution using same file. Data was analyzed with ANOVA and T-test (_x0001_ =.05). Results: Comparison of apex locators reading show no significant difference between the locators at both conditions of the canal (p>0.05). No significant differences were found between the actual working length and electronic length for either apex locators (p>0.05). In contrary both EALs measurements show significantly larger absolute difference in presence of solution than value in dry condition (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both apex locators were reliable in determining the electronic working length of the teeth.