Aim: To evaluate some natural products (soda+ vinegar, soda +
thymol , saturated salt solution) compared with the commercial denture
cleanser (Protifex), for disinfection of acrylic denture base material
from C. albicans (in vitro ). Materials And Methods: Thirty five
samples, (10 x 10 x 2 mm length, width, and thickness respectively),
were prepared from heat cured acrylic resin denture base material
(Major heat cured acrylic resin ), using MacFarland Standard
Bacteriologica Solution technique, tube No.2., using a light microscope
with camera connected to computer for testing anti fungal efficiency of
these natural denture cleansers (soda, vinegar, thymol, saturated salt
solution). This procedure was done after 1hour, 4hours, and 8 hours of
immersion. in comparison with samples immersed in distilled water,
(Control). Results: The results demonstrated that at P=0.05 there were
significant differences between all prepared solutions and control. The
best prepared natural solution was saturated salt solution. There were
significant differences between all times of immersion, the best was
8hrs. Conclusions: All the prepared natural denture cleansers were
considered as fungicidal disinfectants, and a proper disinfection of the
acrylic denture base material requires 8hrs of immersion in the
prepared disinfectant solutions. The best prepared natural solution was
saturated salt solution.