
ultrasonic cleaner
teeth color


Aims of the Study: To evaluate the influence of disinfection bymicrowave and ultrasonic cleaning techniques on the colorparameters of different types of artificial teeth used in prosthodontictreatment. MATERIALS & METHODS: Three types of artificialteeth were used: Porcelain teeth, RMH acrylic teeth (double crosslinked) and Seif acrylic teeth (cross linked). Samples wereimmersed in distilled water for 48 hours at 37ºC before takingmeasurements. The color parameters (hue, chroma and value) ofstudy samples were measured by Easy shade device beforetreatment, after disinfection by microwave (800 watt for 6 minutes),and lastly after cycle in ultrasonic cleaner (15minutes witheffervescent tablet). Data were statistically analyzed by Analysis ofVariance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan Multiple Analysis RangeTest to determine the level of significance. RESULTS: Color ofacrylic teeth was affected more than that of porcelain teeth. Resultsshowed significant differences (P<0.05) in chroma and value colorparameters before and after disinfection for Acrylic teeth but not forhue parameter. CONCLUSIONS: Seif teeth colors changed duringdisinfection more than RMH teeth, while Porcelain teeth the least.Microwave disinfection technique do not affect significantly thecolor of denture teeth